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Local PNW Solar Contractor

Licensed & Insured in WA & ID

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Solar Services

Providing Solar for 
Industrial & Commercial Buildings 

Residential Homes, Condos & Apartments

The United States Electrical Grid, & Canada, was designed in the 1930, with aging, under investment, and far to many jurisdictions to get on the same page: Microgrids and onsite power production are the direction most states, red and blue, and their utilities are moving towards.


Own Your Power

Solar is here and it lasts! Manufacturing warranties on Solar Panels are now reaching 30 year guaranties. Meaning a legacy of energy independence for American Homes and buildings.


Energy Storage Systems (Batteries)

With “time of use” metering coming and net metering reaching its limits, selling your solar production to your utility will loose its benefit. This will push those who have solar to add storage and a finical benefit of storage with every system.


WA Clean Buildings Act HB1390

 Buildings over 20,000 square feet need to comply with the new law.  On-site power production  by robbing Peter (your utility) to pay Paul (your solar power plant)! If you own the building you can own the power.



Being in the Northwest means long winters with short days so supplementing a system with a small generator that will only run when the system needs it save fuel and adds security. 

About Us & Why We are
The Best For the Job

A Inland Northwest electrical and solar company owned and operated by Eastern Washington and North Idaho boys who are excited to bring power security and energy independency to our friends and neighbors in Spokane, Coeur d’Alene and surrounding area. Abundant Sun is part of Wired Goat Electric LLC with a combined 50 plus years of electrical experience.  


I love having my systems – 

Johnny W - Spokane Valley

The peace and security of not have to worry about the next power outage, last outage was 2 weeks without power. Never again. 

June L - Spokane South Hill


1234 Divi St. #1000
San Francisco, CA 29362


(346) 234-5675
